Where am I in the Process?

Navigating the UPAC Funding Journey: A Simplified Guide

Ready to secure funds for your exciting program, travel, or equipment needs? Here’s a streamlined walkthrough of the UPAC review process:

1. Submit Your Request on OrgCentral (instructions linked here)

2. Your Request’s Journey:

  • Budget Received, Pending Review: Our team checks your submission and ensures completeness. If errors are noted your submission may be returned to you for revision or denied
  • Preliminary Review: The Chair determines next steps: Committee Review or Fast-Track.
  • Committee Review:
    • Your request waits for its turn based on received date.
    • You’ll be notified to attend a review meeting with a Sub-Committee.
    • Present your budget and answer questions.
  • Fast-Track Review:
    • The Chair assigns allocation to the Leadership Team and funds based on policy guidelines.
    • You may be contacted for clarification if needed.

3. Allocation & Approval:

  • Allocation Pending: The decision on your funding amount is recorded.
  • UPAC Funding Approval:
    • The Chair and advisors finalize the decision and ensure policy compliance.
    • You’ll receive an email with the allocated amount and explanation.
    • Your OrgCentral request will be approved.

Bonus Tips:

  • Refer to the UPAC Requestor Handbook for detailed guidelines.
  • Meet all submission deadlines to avoid delays.
  • Be prepared to answer questions and present your request effectively.

Good luck on your funding quest!

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